Private and Semi-Private Lessons


Process for Scheduling Private and Semi Private Lessons.

1. Contact the Lesson Coordinator  with the following info (this information is necessary in order to complete the process in a timely manner):

  • Name and Age
  • Interested In Privates or Semi Privates
  • Number of Lesson Interested In
  • Day and Times Interested ​

2. If an Instructor is available you will receive an email from the Lesson Coordinator with the days and times available. Member shall accept the dates and times that fit their schedule.  

3. The Coordinator will confirm the dates and times of the lesson and create an online registration located on the registration platform on the website. Registration will only be open for a specific amount of time. Failure to register in that timeframe may result in forfeiting your accepted days and times.  

Please Note - Privates are on a first come first serve basis. There are limited times available to conduct Private and Semi Private Lessons.  
Type of Lesson Student/Instructor Ratio Length of Class Cost Per Class
Private 1 to 1 30 minutes $45
Semi-Private Participants must secure their own partner 2 to 1 30 minutes $25 per person
Semi Private (Adults Only) 2 to 1 45 minutes $40 per person
Adult Private Group (Age 18 and over) Participants must secure their own partners and must have a total of 3 participants 3 to 1 30 minutes $22 per person
Adult Private Group (Age 18 and over) Participants must secure their own partners and must have a total of 3 participants 3 to 1 45 minutes $30 per person
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